Consumer Notification of a Lead Service Line

This page provides important information for consumers about lead and galvanized service lines. These lines can impact the quality of your drinking water. Below, you’ll find resources to determine the type of service line associated with your property.

Check Your Service Line

We’ve compiled lists of addresses to help you identify the type of service line on record for your property. Download the files below to find out if your service line is listed:

If your address appears on the Lead or Galvanized lists, work will be required on your line within the next 10 years.

Additional Resources

For more information about lead in drinking water and how it may affect your health, explore these resources:

These links provide guidance on identifying lead exposure risks and solutions to ensure safe drinking water.

Questions or Concerns?

If you have questions about your service line or need assistance interpreting the lists, please contact the water authority at 724-773-6700 x201. We’re here to help!